In the latest long-term projections, the U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects electricity generation from renewable sources such as wind and solar to surpass nuclear and coal by 2021 and to surpass natural gas in 2045.
Most of the growth in renewable electricity generation is attributed to wind and solar, which account for about half of renewable generation today.
In EIA’s AEO2020 Reference case, these technologies account for nearly 80% of the renewable total in 2050. New wind capacity additions continue at much lower levels after production tax credits expire in the early 2020s.
In AEO2020, growth in solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity continues through 2050 for both utility-scale and small-scale applications because of declining PV costs throughout the projection period. Conventional hydroelectric generation remains relatively unchanged in absolute terms and becomes a smaller portion of the generation mix as other sources of electricity generation increase.

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